Gloria Delamar taught kindergarten and worked with Dr. Benjamin Spock on a severe child abuse problem case. Her book, Children's Counting-Out Rhymes, Fingerplays, Jump-Rope and Bounce-Ball Chants and other Rhythms was written for other kindergarten teachers and parents of small children. It was estimated at one time that 90% of the kindergartens in this country and England used this book. Gloria also authored Rounds Re-Sounding: Circular Music for Voices and Instruments- An Eight Century Reference, and Mother Goose From Nursery to Literature and The Wishing Handbook – More Than 500 Ways to Make Your Wishes Come True, and Louisa May Alcott and “Little Women”-Biography, Critique, Publications, Poems, Songs, and Contemporary Relevance. She also coauthored with William Delamar, Brain-Webbing-How to Stimulate Your Creativity, Enhance Problem-Solving and Organize Your Thoughts.

William Delamar spent 35 years in hospital management. He authored The CareTAKERS, ,An Insider’s Story, based on repeating hospital problems, Patients in Purgatory-A Reverend Christie Mystery, focusing on nursing home abuse, The Hidden Congregation-A Reverend Christie Mystery focusing on an actual problem in a church, and The Brother Voice, about identical twin brothers who could hear each other’s thoughts and who fought on opposite sides of the Civil War. William also coauthored Brain-Webbing with Gloria.

About the Authors

Gloria T. Delamar and

William T. Delemar